- Functions
— MethoddisplayMessage( message::String)
Displays a message along with an "OK" button. Use before opening the main window or after closing the main window. Useful for displaying errors or experiment completion messages.
Inputs: PsychoJL Window, String
Outputs: Nothing
— MethodhappyMessage( message::String)
Displays a message along with an "OK" button. Use before opening the main window or after closing the main window. Useful for experiment completion messages.
Inputs: String
Outputs: Nothing
— MethodinfoMessage( message::String)
Displays a message along with an "OK" button. Use before opening the main window or after closing the main window. Useful for displaying general information.
Inputs: String
Outputs: Nothing
— MethodwarningMessage( message::String)
Displays a message along with an "OK" button. Use before opening the main window or after closing the main window. Useful for displaying non-critical warnings.
Inputs: String
Outputs: Nothing
— MethoderrorMessage( message::String)
Displays a message along with an "OK" button. Use before opening the main window or after closing the main window. Useful for displaying critical errors.
Inputs: String
Outputs: Nothing
— MethodDlgFromDict(dlgDict::Dict)
Displays a dialog box constructed from a dictionary.
Inputs: Dictionary defining the input fields (keys) and pre-filled values (values) for the user dialog
If the value is a string, that indicates a text input box with a default value. If the value is a tuple, it indicates that the widget should be pop-up menu populated by the choices listed in the tuple
Outputs: Dictionary of responses. Keys are from the input dictionary.
exp_info = Dict("subject_nr"=>0, "age"=>0, "handedness"=>("right","left","ambi"),
"gender"=>("male","female","other","prefer not to say"))
new_info = DlgFromDict(exp_info)