— TypeTextStim()
Constructor for a TextStim object
Constructor inputs:
- win::Window
- textMessage::String.........default = "future text"
- pos::Vector{Int64}........position: default = [10,10]
Optional constructor inputs:
- color::PsychoColor.........default = (128, 128, 128)
- fontName::String = "",
- fontSize::Int64 = 12,.........default = 12
- scale::Float64 = 1.0,.........not the same as font size
- font::Any.........default is taken from Window
- horizAlignment::Int64.........default = -1, 0 = center, +1 = right
- vertAlignment::Int64 = 1.........default = 1, 0 = center, -1 = bottom
- style::String.........default = "normal", options include "bold" and "italic"
- orientation.........orientation in degrees
- draw()
Notes: Using different font sizes requires loading them as different fonts. For now it is easier to load a large version of a font and using scale to scale the size of the resulting image.
— Methoddraw(text::TextStim; wrapLength::Int64)
Draws an TextStim to the back buffer.
- text::TextStim
Optional Inputs:
- pixels (for now)